Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Primary School Recitations - Part 2

Hey folks, like I promised yesterday this here is the second recital...

If you fail to plan, you will surely plan to fail
But as for me, I have planned my Life
And it has been well with me
This is the history of my life

My name is Economics, I was born in England, in the year of Scarcity
My father's name is Mr. Demand and He was the principal of the college named before me, that is, Economics College in New York. My mother's name is Mrs. Supply.

I attended the School of Monopoly and came out with a Monopolistic Certificate. I was later trained by my father in his college on how to minimize Economic resources. I also attended the School of Division of Labour where I obtained my Certificate of Specialisation.

I was finally admitted into the University where I obtained my Bachelors' Degree. Now, I am Dr. Localization, B.Sc. Industrialization.

I'm married to Commerce, with many children and grand children among whom are, Wants, Choice, Opportunity Cost, Scale of Preference and so many others.

Follow my footsteps and It Shall Be Well With You!!!

Not bad for an Eight-year old is it???

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Primary School Recitations - Part 1

You might want to give me some stick for this, truth is, I don't care if you do... I've been experiencing some weird feeling lately - Inertia (High School Physics) - so I resorted to this.
My first recitation back then (mind you, I'd been doing the memory verse thingy in Church then (You know, my name is blah blah blah, my memory verse is John 11:35 *break* erm... *shakily* Jesus Wept)... So back to the present!!! My first recitation was a poem for Africa. Now, I've heard a lot of variations but I still love mine most... Thanks Mrs. Okunoren .

Africa, Africa my Africa
Africa of proud Warriors in ancestral Savannah
Africa of whom my grandmother (PS: I never met either of my grandmums :) ) sings at the bank of the distant river

I have never known you
But your Blood flows in my veins

The Blood of your Sweat
The Sweat of your Work
The Work of your Slavery
The Slavery of your Children

Africa! Tell me Africa!!!
Is this your back that is bent?
This back that breaks under the weight of humiliation?
This back, trembling with red scars and saying yes to the whip under the midday Sun?

But a grave voice answers me...
Son, Impetuous Son
That tree... That tree there
Bearing flowers and fresh seeds
That is Africa! Your Africa!
That obstinately grows again
And its fruit acquires the sweet taste of Liberty

PS: Last verse, I kinda jumbled it up a lil bit, it's been 12 years so what, I should be allowed to forget a little...

I haven't forgotten a word of the second recital though... I'd put that up as soon as I can squeeze some time.

Hope you enjoyed this one though... :)